The Work

The Work is designed to help with pain management, injury recovery and prevention, and body maintenance. 

Credentials: LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist

Education: BMTI -    Boulder Massage Therapy Institute, Boulder CO

Created specifically for each client, each visit to work with the client at whatever level they are on. The massage sessions are truly tailored to pinpoint the areas that need to be worked, to calculate improvements on ROM - range of motion, pain relief, and mobility.

There are different strategies to employ when working out muscle adhesions. Trigger point work is effective when there is an isolated area of stuck muscle fibers. Stretching may also be employed to help muscles lengthen, especially if they have been over worked. Percussion guns are a great way to intro a session because they help unlock muscles which allows for the rest of the hands-on work to be better received by the targeted area. Cupping has a long history and many variations. I use medical grade silicone cups which allow for both static/stationary and kinetic cupping - where the cups are moved. It’s effective because it creates a reverse pressure by using vacuum pressure to lift the tissue up which feels like deep pressure to the senses while bringing oxygen rich blood to the area to aid with recovery.

The option for clients to include me in  their medical team, as an assist to any other treatments administered by their healthcare team (Dr, Chiropractor, Physical Therapist) is available upon request. The goal is for you to heal, and F&C is here to assist.


Integrated Medical Massage Techniques

TrP  -  Trigger Point Therapy

Percussion gun

Pin & Stretch Method

METs  -  Muscle Energy Techniques

Cupping - Osteo cupping using static and active cupping practices

Optional Add-ons

CBD balm - WonderBalm / Nordic goddess / etc…

Medicated therapeutic oil - Almond, Avocado, CBD, THC, Arnica, Solomon Seal, Cedar, Frankincense, Jojoba, Vitamin E, Peppermint, Clove

Cooling or Heating Muscle Rub:

Tiger Balm / Deep Blue

Session Options & Duration Purpose of Session

Spot Treatment

30 minutes

Working through a residual pain or area that chronically acts up. Maintaining restoration and working to help increase recovery time. Great for those that are seeking a treatment plan and for those that working with other professionals and want to include massage into their existing plans.


Tech neck / stiff neck from computer work, Posture/Ergonomics

Carpal Tunnel, Tennis or Golfers Elbow,

Frozen shoulder, TOS - Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Knee or ankle mobility

Pick Two

60 minutes

Select 2 areas to have concentrated focus work on.


Neck / Shoulders

Hands / Elbows / Arms

Upper Back - Scapulae / Ribcage 

Lower Back - Lumbar / Sacrum / SI Joints

Upper Leg - Quads / Hams / Glutes

Lower Leg - Knee / Calves 

                               Feet / Ankles

Pick Three

90 minutes

Select 3 areas to have concentrated focus work on.


Neck / Shoulders

Hands / Elbows / Arms

Upper Back - Scapulae / Ribcage 

Lower Back - Lumbar / Sacrum / SI Joints

Upper Leg - Quads / Hams / Glutes

Lower Leg - Knee / Calves 

                               Feet / Ankles