Fox & Crow Massage Therapy

At Fox & Crow the goal is to provide help, relief and comfort to everyone no matter what they are experiencing in their bodies and lives. 

Fox & Crow Massage Therapy integrates medical massage with sports massage, manual lymphatic drainage, Reiki energy balancing, and relaxation techniques inspired by traditional Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, Japanese Shiatsu, and other massage modalities. 

The infusion of styles and concepts can be a powerful combination for easing pain, helping with recovery & preventing injury,

and allows a moment of calm  

to take a breath, realign, and ground  

so that you can soar into your next steps.

  • I believe in science and facts. Science has proven that massage is beneficial for the body and the mind.

    Fun fact: Did you know that after 15 minutes of massage your body will start producing seratonin, dopamine, and oxytocin?

    Science also gives a roadmap to the body and the brain using anatomy and lots of research. So I have an understanding of the muscles in your body, how things operate, and different ways to approach strained, injured, tired, and stressed muscles... and people.

    I view the body through my hands. I sense it as one might look at a topographical map, but I feel the ridgelines of bones and joints, and the plains of muscles. This allows me to sense where adhesions are causing the muscles and fascia to 'stick'.

    Combining massage approaches from different modalities with anatomy and physiology, intuition, and above all else - communication with the client.

  • For many reasons I chose Fox & Crow, but mainly because they both have shown up during pivotal and inspirational moments for me.

    When I found massage I found my purpose. Helping people feel better fills my cup, and being able to have my own practice to help people... well, it felt serendipitous.

    The fox represents the ability to be grounded. They are agile and swift. They are smart and clever, and wether adult or kit, they never forget how to play.

    To me, crows represent the sky, the air, the ability to fly. They are problem solving and curious, with a memory to boot.

    Those are characteristics that I respect and appreciate, and try to incorporate in my life.

  • Hey there!

    Thanks for being here! I'm Erin Siepker, and I'm so happy to share Fox & Crow with you. It's the beginning of something fantastic, and I can't wait to see it evolve. F&C has been a goal of mine for the last 5ish years... and here we are!

    After graduating from The Boulder Massage Therapy Institute in 2021, I ended my 15 years in Colorado and moved to the east coast to set some roots in Providence.

    I'm a bookworm that loves taking my dog on adventures, great and small. I watch entirely too much tv, and love making food for my people.

    MT 02716